Black consumer spending in Beauty
In 2023, Black consumer spending on Beauty products amounted to $9.4 billion, with dollar, unit, and household growth outpacing growth for the US at large. This growing cohort currently accounts for an estimated 14.4% of the US population, which is a 32% increase since 2000.
Just under half of Black Americans are under 30, and with a median age of 32, this segment of the population is younger than the average population.

Beauty is an important category for Black shoppers with Fragrance and Hand Body Lotion standing out as key categories. Black consumers account for 15.9% of the Fragrance households, but 22.4% of Fragrance dollars. Similarly, Black consumers account for 14.8% of Hand & Body Lotion households, but 16.6% of Hand & Body Lotion dollar sales.
Black consumer spending and dollar growth for Beauty categories is significantly outpacing that of total US for Cosmetics & Nail, Facial Skin Care, and Hair Care.
Black consumers and Beauty retail dynamics
When looking at retail dynamics, online retail is an important channel for Black consumers of Beauty products. Their spending in the online channel outpaces that of in-store, $370 per year compared to $313 per year.
Over half of category dollars are spent online for Facial Skin Care and Fragrance. Online dollar sales growth is outpacing in-store dollar sales growth for Hair Care, Fragrance, Facial Skin Care, and Hand & Body Lotion.

Black consumers are engaged with the beauty category. This cohort is a growing segment in the US and has strong buying power and sales growth.
Understanding the needs and consumer behavior of this dynamic segment should be a key factor in any brand strategy.

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