
Report: Uncertainty about the future is the new normal for the shopper of 2022 ​


Report: Uncertainty about the future is the new normal for the shopper of 2022 ​

Health & Wellness , Industry Trends , Omnichannel/E-commerce

As we enter the third year of the pandemic, shoppers are beginning to focus beyond the immediate fear and danger presented by the virus. In its place is a raft of new and more complex post-pandemic concerns—such as how to improve long-term mental and physical health and how to negotiate soaring inflation.

This report considers how shoppers are re-engaging with the world in 2022 – with insights on their priorities, expectations, purchasing prospects and the possible scenarios that result from this. ​

Uncertainty remains the prevailing theme for shoppers in 2022 as we learn to live with Covid-19. Rather than seeing uncertainty as a negative force—this report unpicks the opportunities it presents brands and retailers. ​

The FMCG retailers and brands that stay ahead of the competition know that agility is crucial. In the post-pandemic retail landscape, it’s never been more important to monitor the data, present enriched content and rapidly adapt aisles and assortment to shopper needs.