The future of wellness consumers
It’s safe to say that wellness is longer a niche topic. As we near the start of 2023, wellness goes far beyond exercise and diet choices. Wellness is still personal, but it’s also social and environmental. The majority of people now consider what they use on their bodies, in their homes, and what they feed their families and pets before they make a purchase. Many people aren’t just thinking of their health today; they are considering “tomorrow” as well. And some are also considering the wellness of humanity as a whole.
As a result of this evolution, the topic of wellness is key for every business, no matter what products you create and sell—it transcends every category. After all, healthy humans drive healthy growth.
In this ebook, we’ll examine what’s important to many consumers right now in terms of wellness, as well as the opportunities for brands and retailers. That way, you can prepare your business for what’s coming next.

Prepare for the next wave of wellness
Download NielsenIQ’s ebook, “The wellness consumer: Reimagined” today.
You’ll discover:
- The big picture: An overview
- Protective wellness
- Preservation-focused wellness
- Aspirational wellness
- Evolving wellness
- Altruistic wellness
- Key takeaways