Building and supporting strategic decision-making
HP Spain has achieved a strong position in the country’s computing sector. The player is growing its presence in gaming and the premium segments with ambitions to reach dominance in these areas too by understanding consumer and market behavior and trends.
HP Spain’s marketing team is one of the company’s groups that relies on gfknewron Consumer. They use it to evaluate the local market situation, identify consumer segments to target, prioritize the importance of features, review performance and track competitors. It’s key to have these solid, reliable numbers and insights to not only inform and build strategic decisions, but to explain and support them too. They also rely on them during discussions and negotiations with retailers about new initiatives and plans. The marketers value the granularity of gfknewron Consumer – a result of the large sample sizes.
“We rely on gfknewron Consumer the intelligence from GfK to understand consumer behavior in our different segments. From agreeing which audience to target, to refining the messaging, to planning the media, we see the insight as informing both our short-term tactical actions and strategic medium- to long-term decisions. What’s more, the way we utilize gfknewron Consumer in our Spanish business has provided inspiration to our colleagues in other markets who use it as a guide to inform their own collaborations.”
Isabel Delgado, Consumer Marketing Manager, HP Spain
A strong partnership
GfK’s expert team has developed an in-depth knowledge of HP’s business and is able to call on this during presentations and meetings, as well as onboarding sessions. The relationship involves regular contact as well as intensive periods of support provided during quarterly and annual planning periods. HP are expert users of the GfK intelligence, nevertheless the marketing team also value learning new techniques to access and maximize the rich information in the tools, especially for gfknewron Consumer.
“gfknewron Consumer is user-friendly, intuitive, comprehensive, powerful and flexible – and of course all of these elements are important to us. It’s also true that at HP we have access to numerous market research tools, so for us the key differentiator that defines our relationship with GfK is the excellent support of GfK team. Time and again our close working collaboration has proved essential to the decisions our team makes, adding value whether that’s for day-to-day issues, quarterly reporting, or presentations across the company at our key meetings. Ultimately, we trust and value the advice, opinions and expertise we get from our GfK expert.”
Catalina Roa, Marketing Director, HP Iberia

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