Advanced Analytics for Assortment and Merchandising
Simplify planning, drive better performance, and create sustainable growth by improving the way you characterize, organize, and visualize your shelf.

Category Vision Unleashed: Boost growth with assortment optimization and shelf excellence
Our NIQ experts offer exclusive cross-regional content in our On-Demand webinar as they discuss how to balance the assortment decisions with merchandising guidelines.
Optimize assortment
Identify and implement a product mix that meets the needs of your diverse market
Improve shelf execution
Translate shopper and assortment strategy onto the shelf to ensure you maintain optimal share of space and positioning to increase sales
Measure the impact of shelf scenarios in-store and online
Drive incremental sales and better meet shopper’s needs with immersive reality tools to understand shopper behavior

Solutions always-on
Get ahead of the competition taking your analysis to the next level. Advanced Analytics can help accelerate your growth.