How Bar Keepers Friend is using Byzzer™ to unlock their assortment’s potential.
The business challenge
Bar Keepers Friend has learned that data and insights make all the difference when dealing with retailers and distributors. But random data points aren’t enough. So, what can you do to make your journey easier and more intentional?
Bar Keepers Friend needed:
Accurate, Fresh Data
Subcategory Context
Granular Insights

The data solution
Data pulled from distributors and internal resources are valuable but don’t provide the Full View brands need. Bar Keepers Friend is proof that accessing category and subcategory data points can help you take your business to the next level.
With Byzzer’s reports & NIQ data, Bar Keepers Friend is better able to identify the unique trends and value of their product offerings.
They can better highlight their successes to convince retailers, gain distribution, and set price points that meet consumer needs.
Byzzer has helped Bar Keepers Friend tell their story more powerfully through the lens of data.
“We can come to the table and say, ‘this is what’s happening in the outside world.’”
Keith Gero, VP of Sales at Bar Keepers Friend

Need better data? Don’t worry, Byzzer™ has the solution!
Before access to Byzzer, Bar Keepers Friend was relying on a hodgepodge of data to move the needle with retailers. But, to do this, they knew they needed a better view of their products and subcategory. With Byzzer, they got the tools they needed.
Bar Keepers Friend uses Byzzer reports to look at ACV, units per point of distribution, and more to pinpoint valuable differentiators.
They look to persuade retailers by highlighting powerful metrics like product velocity.
With accurate, reliable data on their side, the Bar Keepers Friend team is opening new doors and gaining valuable shelf space.

Data plays a crucial role in tracking and reacting to category trends for Bar Keepers Friend.
Now, Bar Keepers Friend no longer has to rely on random sources of data to make their plans. They’re able to actively identify areas of growth and opportunities at a granular level based on what they have learned from the ByzzerTM platform. With hard numbers from credible data sources like NIQ, the industry gold standard in retail measurement, Bar Keepers Friend is taking their brand to the next level and looking to a strong future.

Get the Full View with Free Byzzer™ Access Today
Don’t miss out on 3 free reports to understand your brand, category, and a few competitors for the category of your choice. No commitment necessary.