How Kellanova’s new launch grew the brand, accelerating both core and innovation sales
A Snacking success story:
Tailoring a classic cracker for a new use occasion – meet the munchable Cheez-It Snap’d

The Kellanova team saw an opportunity…

‘Cheez-It is strong in afternoon snacking, but relaxing in the evening, watching TV… that’s where that uber-munching space lives and where we identified an opportunity for Cheez-It.’
Allyson Borozan
Senior Director of Innovation Strategy and Marketing for Salty Snacks at Kellanova
A lighter, less satiating snack
While Cheez-Its were great for afternoon snacking, they needed to be less of a “tide me over” satiating eating experience to meet the needs of the after-dinner munching occasion.
And supported by NIQ BASES’ expertise, the Kellanova – BASES partnership provided the confidence to:

Prioritize concepts

Develop the optimal proposition

Partnered with NIQ BASES and came up with an idea…
Continued the NIQ BASES partnership into product development…

A chip-shaped, multi-sized cheesy snack
The team took pains to create:

A light, munchable product that wouldn’t fill you up too quickly

A chip-style snack where every individual Cheez-It was a different shape and size

A tasty, relaxing and enjoying consumption experience

With optimized packaging…
And BASES-led activation strategies…

With a ~$100M Y1 sales goal, NIQ BASES helped Kellanova understand the level of support needed to meet targets, providing guidance on the increases of:
- Advertising
- Distribution
- Promotion

To see winning in-market results.
Cheez-It Snap’d reached Kellanova’s ambitious sales target, and even haloed onto parent Cheez-it product, achieving both innovation and core growth
The innovation achieved:
Year 1 dollar volume1
1Source: NIQ Scantrack, All Outlets Combined for the latest 52 weeks ending 12/28/19. Does not include online sales.
2019 growth of Cheez-It franchise (without Cheez-It Snap’d) 1