When Canadians look in the mirror, 11% are completely satisfied with what they see, according to a new GfK global study. Conversely, one in five Canadian women report being dissatisfied with their appearance.
GfK has released findings from 22 countries on how satisfied people are with their personal looks. Globally, over half (55%) of consumers aged 15 and over say they are satisfied with their looks. Roughly one in 10 (12%) say they are completely satisfied, while 43% say they are simply pleased.
More than half (59%) of Canadians 15 and over say they are satisfied with their looks, which includes 11% who consider themselves “completely satisfied.” In contrast, only 15% of Canadians report any dissatisfaction with how they look, including 4% who say that they are not at all satisfied. The remaining 26% are neutral.
Canadian women more critical of their looks
Canadian males have a more positive view of their looks than their female counterparts. In Canada, 13% of males say they are completely satisfied with their looks, while 9% of women claimed the same satisfaction level. And 51% of Canadian males say they are “fairly satisfied” with their looks, versus 44% of Canadian females. At the other end of the scale, 5% of Canadian females say they are “not at all satisfied” with their appearance, compared to 2% of Canadian men.
The kids are alright
Although Canadian teens (aged 15 to 19) rated themselves highly, with 19% saying they are completely satisfied with their looks and another 37% reporting they are fairly satisfied, 9% of male and female Canadian teens say they are not at all satisfied with their looks.
Seniors accept who they are
Canadian men and women 60 years of age and up are generally happy about their looks, with 15% saying they are completely satisfied with their appearance and almost half (49%) fairly satisfied. Only 1% says they are not at all happy with their appearance.
Latin Americans most satisfied with their looks
Complete satisfaction with personal looks is highest in Latin America, with Mexico, Brazil and Argentina all appearing in the top five of the global rankings. When we widen this to include those who say they are “fairly” satisfied, as well as those who are “completely” satisfied, Mexico comes out on top, standing at nearly three quarters (74%), closely followed by Turkey at 71%.
The Japanese are the most critical of their own looks, with 38% not too satisfied or not at all satisfied, followed by the British at 20%, then Russians, South Koreans, Swedes and Australians all at 19%.
About the study
GfK conducted an online survey (face to face in Ukraine) with over 27,000 people aged 15 or older in 22 countries. Fieldwork was carried out in summer 2014. In the countries surveyed online, the data have been weighted to reflect the demographic composition of the online population age 15+ in each market. In the countries surveyed face-to-face, the study is representative of the top-tier urban population aged 15+ excluding the lowest SES levels. The countries included in this press release are Argentina, Australia, Belgium, Brazil, Canada, China, France, Germany, Hong Kong, Italy, Japan, Mexico, Poland, Russia, South Korea, Spain, Sweden, Taiwan, Turkey, UK, Ukraine and USA.
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