Category Management Workshops
Take your business to the next level with our practical workshops

- More than 2,300 participants every year benefit from our engaging Category Management workshops
- More than 160 sessions conducted worldwide throughout the year, bringing our expertise to diverse business environments
- With an impressive recommendation rate above 99%, our participants highly value and endorse our workshops
From developing a joint trade category management process between retailers and manufacturers, to evaluating and managing your categories on the ground, our category management training programs are designed to help transform your strategic business units into producing positive results while delivering value to your shopper.
The content of our program brings together the best of many practices. Category management fundamentals, shopper behavior understanding, efficient assortment analysis, space planning, and price and promotion assessment are just some of the core elements for category success at the point of sale, covering brick and mortar and more recently online channels. Check out our workshop programs for more details.
Practical Category Management
This hands-on workshop explores topics and case studies covering the eight steps of category management, elements to create joint trade processes between retailers and manufacturers, roles and responsibilities, category definition, roles, assessment, scorecard, strategies, tactics such as product range merchandising, price and promotion, as well as review metrics.
Shopper Centric Category Management
Learn how to apply a more shopper-centric approach to your category management process. The topics covered include, a shopper-centric framework that will walk you through segmentation types, shopping missions, channel choice, store clustering, decision trees, category opportunities, shopper needs evaluation creating insights to reflect them in the in-store tactics.
Efficient Assortment Management
This classroom program has been designed to equip you with a collaborative framework to achieve an optimal assortment management and understand the benefits it offers to retailers, manufacturers and shoppers.
Impactful Space Management
This workshop pivots around the means to design store and category layouts. The program also covers topics related to shopper time optimization, how to expose more profitable categories, simplify shelf navigation, allocate space, leverage in-store shopper behavior and traffic flow, and the planogram creation process.
Price and Promotion Management
This interactive two-day session integrates NIQ’s accumulated knowledge of effective pricing strategies, enhanced promotion planning with the key drivers reflected in the successful category management process. Moreover, neurological findings are built into simulators to run exercises, providing an opportunity to convert theory to action.
E-Commerce Category Management 1.0
This critical program focuses on understanding how to adapt category management to omnichannel businesses. By the end of the program you will be able to develop, execute and monitor streamlined processes that are shopper-centric and bears return on investment of your e-commerce channel.
E-Commerce Category Management 2.0
This workshop focuses on Shopper Journey, the appropriate strategies that need to be followed and the creation of a detailed action plan.
Omnichannel Category Management
The shoppers today use different channels, different services, and devices to do their shopping. We will discuss how different touchpoints blend within shopper journey and how to use this information to build a consistent experience and category growth across channels.
Perfect Shelf
(for Spaceman users)
The workshop focuses on discovering micro space management. We will develop perfect shelf layouts based on the strategy and shopper understanding with the help of Spaceman. Those using Spaceman in their daily work will learn to connect category strategy with planogram creation.
Revenue Management Optimization (for manufacturers only)
This workshop explores how to manage price architecture, and design portfolio in a competitive retail environment in order to maximize revenue. Learn to select the right price & promotion for your products by following a process that can improve your revenue and profit.
Introduction to Category Management
This workshop is an introductory course to Category Management, explaining what Category Management is and how it can bring additional value to manufacturers and retailers. Covering briefly all steps of the process, it helps the participants grow the categories and reveal business opportunities
Omnichannel Category Management
The shoppers today use different channels, different services, and devices to do their shopping. We will discuss how different touchpoints blend within shopper journey and how to use this information to build a consistent experience and category growth across channels.
Region/Country | Delivery | Date | No of Days | Topic |
Malaysia | Face to Face | 13-02-25 | 2 | Practical Category Management |
Greece | Face to Face | 18-02-25 | 2 | Price & Promotion Category Management |
APAC | Online | 19-02-25 | 2 | Efficient Assortment Management |
Latin America | Online | 19-02-25 | 2 | Practical Category Management |
Pacific – APAC | Online | 25-02-25 | 2 | Practical Category Management |
Indonesia | Face to Face | 26-02-25 | 2 | Practical Category Management |
Europe Africa Timezone | Online | 25-02-25 | 2 | Practical Category Management |
Region/Country | Delivery | Date | No of Days | Topic |
APAC | Online | 03-03-25 | 1 | E-commerce Category Management 1.0 |
Philippines | Face to Face | 03-03-25 | 1 | Introduction to Category Management |
Spain | Online | 04-03-25 | 2 | Efficient Assortment Management |
Latin America | Online | 05-03-25 | 2 | Efficient Assortment Management |
Thailand | Face to Face | 06-03-25 | 2 | Omnichannel Category Management |
Europe Africa Timezone | Online | 06-03-25 | 2 | Price & Promotion Category Management |
APAC | Online | 10-03-25 | 2 | E-commerce Category Management 2.0 |
China | Face to Face | 3/11/2025 | 1 | Introduction to Category Management |
Europe Africa Timezone | Online | 3/11/2025 | 2 | Efficient Assortment Management |
Latin America | Online | 12-03-25 | 2 | Impactful Space Management |
Malaysia | Face to Face | 13-03-25 | 2 | Revenue Management Optimization |
Hong Kong | Face to Face | 13-03-25 | 2 | Shopper Centric Category Management |
Taiwan | Face to Face | 18-03-25 | 2 | Practical Category Management |
Italy | Face to Face | 20-03-25 | 2 | Price & Promotion Category Management |
South Africa | Face to Face | 25-03-25 | 2 | Impactful Space Management |
APAC | Online | 26-03-25 | 2 | Omnichannel Category Management |
South Korea | Online | 26-03-25 | 2 | E-commerce Category Management 1.0 |
Region/Country | Delivery | Date | No of Days | Topic |
France | Online | 01-04-25 | 1 | Perfect Shelf Category Management (with Spaceman application) |
Poland | Face to Face | 02-04-25 | 2 | Practical Category Management |
Latin America | Online | 07-04-25 | 2 | Shopper Centric Category Management |
Baltics | Face to Face | 08-04-25 | 2 | Price & Promotion Category Management |
India | Online | 10-04-25 | 1 | Introduction to Category Management |
Europe Africa Timezone | Online | 10-04-25 | 2 | Impactful Space Management |
APAC | Online | 15-04-25 | 2 | Revenue Management Optimization |
Turkey | Online | 15-04-25 | 2 | Shopper Centric Category Management |
APAC | Online | 22-04-25 | 2 | Shopper Centric Category Management |
UAE | Face to Face | 23-04-25 | 2 | Efficient Assortment Management |
APAC | Online | 04/24/25 | 2 | Impactful Space Management |
Latin America | Online | 28-04-25 | 2 | Price & Promotion Category Management |
India | Online | 29-04-25 | 2 | E-commerce Category Management 1.0 |
Greece | Face to Face | 29-04-25 | 1 | Introduction to Category Management |
Region/Country | Delivery | Date | No of Days | Topic |
Adriatics (in Belgrade) | Face to Face | 22-05-25 | 2 | Price & Promotion Category Management |
Malaysia | Face to Face | 05/06/25 | 2 | Shopper Centric Category Management |
Egypt, Lebanon, Jordan | Online | 05/06/25 | 2 | Price & Promotion Category Management |
Saudi Arabia | Face to Face | 05/06/25 | 2 | Efficient Assortment Management |
APAC | Online | 05/08/25 | 2 | Price & Promotion Category Management |
Morocco | Online | 05/08/25 | 2 | To be defined |
Pacific | Online | 05/13/25 | 2 | Price & Promotion Category Management |
Hungary | Face to Face | 05/13/25 | 2 | Price & Promotion Category Management |
Europe Africa Timezone | Online | 05/13/25 | 2 | Omnichannel Category Management |
Vietnam | Face to Face | 05/14/25 | 2 | Practical Category Management |
Latin America | Online | 05/14/25 | 2 | E-commerce Category Management 1.0 |
North America | Online | 05/19/25 | 2 | Revenue Management Optimization |
Europe Africa Timezone | Online | 20-05-25 | 2 | E-commerce Category Management 1.0 |
APAC | Online | 20-05-25 | 2 | Efficient Assortment Management |
Latin America | Online | 21-05-25 | 2 | Revenue Management Optimization |
APAC | Online | 22-05-25 | 2 | Omnichannel Category Management |
APAC | Online | 27-05-25 | 1 | Perfect Shelf Category Management (with Spaceman application) |
Romania | Face to Face | 27-05-25 | 2 | Price & Promotion Category Management |
Region/Country | Delivery | Date | No of Days | Topic |
Greece | Face to Face | 6/2/2025 | 2 | E-commerce Category Management 1.0 |
Philippines | Face to Face | 06/05/25 | 2 | Practical Category Management |
Philippines | Face to Face | 06/05/25 | 2 | Practical Category Management |
Hong Kong | Face to Face | 06/09/25 | 2 | Omnichannel Category Management |
Europe Africa Timezone | Online | 6/10/2025 | 2 | E-commerce Category Management 2.0 |
Latin America | Online | 11-06-25 | 2 | E-commerce Category Management 2.0 |
Europe Africa Timezone | Online | 11-06-25 | 2 | Revenue Management Optimization |
Taiwan | Face to Face | 6/12/2025 | 2 | E-commerce Category Management 1.0 |
China | Face to Face | 6/12/2025 | 2 | Price & Promotion Category Management |
Italy | Face to Face | 6/12/2025 | 1 | Introduction to Category Management |
Italy | Face to Face | 06/13/25 | 1 | Perfect Shelf Category Management (with Spaceman application) |
China | Face to Face | 06/16/25 | 2 | Omnichanel Category management |
Bulgaria | Face to Face | 06/17/25 | 2 | Omnichannel Category Management |
Indonesia | Face to Face | 06/17/25 | 2 | Shopper Centric Category Management |
Spain | Online | 06/17/25 | 2 | Omnichannel Category Management |
Indonesia | Face to Face | 06/19/25 | 1 | Introduction to Category Management |
Latin America | Online | 06/18/25 | 2 | Omnichannel Category Management |
Europe Africa Timezone | Online | 6/23/2025 | 2 | Shopper Centric Category Management |
Thailand | Face to Face | 6/23/2025 | 2 | Shopper Centric Category Management |
Malaysia | Face to FAce | 6/24/2025 | 2 | Price & Promotion Category Management |
Region/Country | Delivery | Date | No of Days | Topic |
Egypt, Lebanon, Jordan | Online | 07/01/25 | 2 | Topic to be defined |
Thailand | Face to Face | 07/01/25 | 2 | Shopper Centric Category Management |
APAC | Online | 07/15/25 | 2 | Pracctical Category Management |
Latin America | Online | 07/16/25 | 2 | Practical Category Management |
APAC | Online | 07/17/25 | 2 | Shopper Centric Category Management |
Vietnam | Face to FAce | 07/23/25 | 2 | Ominchannel Category Management |
Latin America | Online | 07/23/25 | 2 | Efficient Assortment Management |
APAC | Online | 07/24/25 | 2 | Price & Promotion Category Management |
Region/Country | Delivery | Date | No of Days | Topic |
APAC | Online | 08/05/25 | 2 | Omnichannel Category Management |
Malaysia | Face to Face | 08/18/25 | 2 | Price & Promotion Category Management |
South Africa | Face to Face | 08/18/25 | 2 | Price & Promotion Category Management |
APACE | Online | 08/19/25 | 2 | Impactful Space Management |
Latin America | Online | 08/20/25 | 2 | Impactful Space Management |
South Africa | Face to Face | 08/21/25 | 2 | Impactful Space Management |
APAC | Online | 08/26/25 | 2 | Revenue Management Optimization |
Latin America | Online | 08/27/25 | 1 | Perfect Shelf Category Management (with Spaceman application) |
Region/Country | Delivery | Date | No of Days | Topic |
APAC | Online | 9/3/2025 | 2 | E-commerce Category Management 2.0 |
Singapore | Face to Face | 9/8/25 | 2 | Practical Category Management |
France | Online | 9/9/25 | 1 | Perfect Shelf Category Management (with Spaceman application) |
Turkey | Online | 9/10/2025 | 2 | E-commerce Category Management 2.0 |
Malaysia | Face to FAce | 09/10/2025 | 2 | Impactful Space Management |
Latin America | Online | 9/10/2025 | 2 | Shopper Centric Category Management |
Spain | Online | 9/11/2025 | 1 | Perfect Shelf Category Management (with Spaceman application) |
Hong Kong | Face to Face | 9/11/2025 | 2 | Efficient Assortment Management |
Eurpoe Africa Timezone | Online | 9/12/2025 | 1 | Perfect Shelf Category Management (with Spaceman application) |
China | Face to Face | 9/15/2025 | 2 | Omnichannel Category Management |
Romania | Face to Face | 9/16/2025 | 2 | Shopper Centric Category Managment for Tech & Durables |
Vietnam | Face to Face | 09/17/2025 | 2 | Price & Promotion Category Management |
Taiwan | Face to Face | 9/18/2025 | 2 | Shopper Centric Category Management |
Europe Africa Timezone | Online | 9/23/2025 | 2 | Practical Category Management |
Latin America | Online | 24-09-25 | 2 | Price & Promotion Category Management |
Indonesia | Face to Face | 9/24/2025 | 2 | Impactful Space Management |
Italy | Face to Face | 29-09-25 | 2 | Practical Category Management |
Region/Country | Delivery | Date | No of Days | Topic |
Europe Africa Timezone | Online | 01-10-25 | 2 | Price & Promotion Category Management |
Greece | Face to Face | 07-10-25 | 2 | Impactful Space Management |
Europe Africa Timezone | Online | 10/7/2025 | 2 | E-commerce Category Management 1.0 |
North America | Online | 08-10-25 | 2 | Omnichannel Category Management |
Malaysia | Face to Face | 10/8/2025 | 2 | Efficient Assortment Management |
Thailand | Face to Face | 10/9/20225 | 2 | Impactful Space Management |
Morocco | Online | 09-10-25 | 2 | Efficient Assortment Management |
Latin America | Online | 10/15/2025 | 2 | E-commerce Category Management 1.0 |
Europ Africa Timezone | Online | 10/20/2025 | 2 | Pricy & Promotion Category Management |
Spain | Online | 10/21/2025 | 2 | Practical Category Management |
Romania | Face to Face | 0/22/2025 | 2 | Shopper Centric Category Management |
Latin America | Online | 10/22/2025 | 2 | Revenue Management Optimization |
South Korea | Online | 10/28/2202 | 2 | Shopper Centric Category Management |
APAC | Online | 10/28/2025 | 2 | Shopper Centric Category Management |
Europe Africa Timezone | Online | 10/29/2025 | 2 | Omnichannel Category Management |
Region/Country | Delivery | Date | No of Days | Topic |
Europe Africa Timezone | Online | 04-11-25 | 2 | Efficient Assortment Management |
APAC | Online | 11/4/2025 | 2 | Price & Promotion Category Management |
APAC | Online | 11/11/2025 | 1 | Perfect Shelf Category Management (with Spaceman application) |
Latin America | Online | 11/12/25 | 2 | E-commerce Category Management 2.0 |
Philippines | Face to Face | 11/17/2025 | 2 | Shopper Centric Category Management |
Bulgaria | Face to Face | 11/18/2025 | 2 | Impactful Space Management |
Philippines | Face to Face | 11/17/2025 | 2 | Shopper Centric Category Management |
Hong Kong | Face to FAce | 11/20/25 | 2 | Practical Category Management |
Poland | Face to Face | 25-11-25 | 2 | Shopper Centric Category Management |
Vietnam | Face to Face | 11/26/2025 | 2 | Shopper Centric Category Management |
China | Face to FAce | 11/25/2025 | 2 | Shopper Centric Category Management |
Europe Africa Timezone | Online | 11/25/2025 | 2 | Revenue Management Optimization |
Region/Country | Delivery | Date | No of Days | Topic |
Latin America | Online | 12/2/2025 | 2 | Omnichannel Category Management |
Italy | Face to Face | 12/2/2025 | 2 | Shopper Centric Category Managment |
Taiwan | Face to Face | 12/3/2025 | 2 | Omnichannel Category Management |
APAC | Online | 12/9/2025 | 2 | Efficient Assortment Management |
Greece | Face to FAce | 12/9/2025 | 2 | Shopper Centric Category Managment |
APAC | Online | 12/11/2025 | 2 | Practical Category Management |
Europe Africa Timezone | Online | 12/11/2025 | 2 | Shopper Centric Category Management |
Europe Africa Timezone | Online | 12/15/2025 | 2 | E-commerce Category Managment 2.0 |
Indonesia | Face to Face | 12/16/2025 | 2 | Efficient Assortment Management |
APAC | Online | 12/16/25 | 2 | Omnnichannel Category Management |

Peter Wong
Category Management Leader, APAC
Peter has been working in the FMCG industry about 22 years in the role of Category Management, Trade marketing, and Marketing prior to joining NielsenIQ Malaysia. He has numerous hands-on experiences in delivery category management projects, planning and execution marketing activities to trade ranging from beverages, milk, confectionery, personal care, and household category. Peter shall be responsible for APAC Category management training. He holds a Bachelor degree in Marketing and an Executive MBA.

Chryssa Asmatzi
Category Management Leader, Europe
Chryssa Asmatzi has more than 25 years of experience in retail, with expertise in all facets of marketing, branding, communications, business development, e-commerce, and category management for key retailers in Greece. She specializes in strategic planning and analysis, shopper marketing, customer insights, digital marketing and has a passion for e-business and innovative communication strategy development.

Annie Muñoz
Category Management Trainer, LATAM
Annie Muñoz has been in charge of leading the relationship between NielsenIQ and various strategic partners in Latin America. Her role has included the leadership of teams in commercial areas in charge of developing consultancies for the most important manufacturers of several industries of mass consumption in Central America. Additionally, she is responsible for the organization of thought leadership materials. Her career in NielsenIQ extends for more than 10 years and is currently the leader of the CatMan workshop business for Latin America.

Vivian Wong
Category Manager
Vivian Wong joined NielsenIQ in 2018. She offers insightful and actionable consultations and services to different international FMCG clients in the food, beverages, personal care, and healthcare industries. Currently, she leads our workshops in the Asia Pacific. Before joining NielsenIQ, Vivian spent over 10 years in sales and marketing across Asia. She has immense hands-on experience in leading teams from category-to-channel planning and execution across different consumer and healthcare products.

Jana Volovika
Category Management Trainer
Jana Volovika has more than 10 years of experience in retail, with expertise in-store operations, category management to private label development, and brand management. Currently, she leads our workshops in Europe, delivering a series of training with an integrated perspective that combines manufacturing, retailing, and the use of big data. As of February 2021, she is part of the advisors group to the Category Management Association board.
Client Testimonials
Early bird discount if registration is formalized at least one month before the workshop takes place. Group discounts apply for 2 and more participants from the same company or a participant attending more than one workshop. Comprehensive course materials, case studies, and individual certificates are included.

Take your business to the next level with our Category Management Workshops
Join our training programs to devise your strategies in boosting growth, while delivering value to your shopper and collaborating successfully with partners.